The Gravity Hammer is a power weapon that is devastating at point-blank range, that is capable of destroying both enemy soldiers and vehicles in a single powerful blow. But if you can master this weapon, it has a ton of kill potential. The projectile is relatively hard to hit on targets since it fires with a relatively low velocity and the reload between shots is significant. It is also devastating to light vehicles if you can land the shot. The Skewer is a long-range sniper rifle that can kill enemies in a single shot to the body, not just the head. This weapon is also able to kill multiple enemies in a single blast, making it one of the highest kill potential options in the game. This weapon is just so consistent at one shot killing people, and requires only a limited amount of accuracy, since it has a decent splash area of damage. The M41 SPNKr rocket launcher also remains an S-Tier power weapon in Halo Infinite, in line with its role in the meta in past franchises.
For crack shots in Halo: Infinite, there is no weapon you would rather have than this one. It is per usual a single kill shot for a headshot, and remains accurate from the hip, as it has throughout the Halo franchise. Just like in past installments of the Halo series, the Sniper Rifle remains a top-tier power weapon in Halo: Infinite. Here are our power rankings for the new Halo weapons, at least at launch. It also adds some new exciting weapons to the franchise like the SKewer, the Hydra, and the Commando. The game brings with it many of the most beloved guns from past titles, like the Needler, BR, Sniper, and Rocket Launcher. After much anticipation, Halo Infinite in finally here.